
Telehealth services offered in St. Louis, MO

Telehealth allows you to connect with your health provider remotely, vastly expanding health care accessibility. Usman Javaid, MD, and Melody Wilkinson, AGPCNP, proudly offer telehealth services through Prevention First LLC in St. Louis, Missouri. When you’re ready to try telehealth, call the office to schedule a visit. Online booking is also an option and is fast and easy.  

Telehealth Q&A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is the result of combining top-quality health services with advanced telecommunication technology. It’s an approach that makes health services available to a far wider population and is a wonderful way to address disparities in health services. 

While telehealth is currently receiving a lot of attention, the approach is nothing new. As soon as most American homes were equipped with a telephone, people have been connecting with their health providers remotely. 

Thanks to advancements in video technology, telehealth is now able to provide in-depth health care that was unavailable to previous generations. 

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Convenience is a primary benefit of telehealth. The ability to connect with your practitioner from across town or across the globe means you never have to wait to receive guidance and support for a wide range of health needs. 

Telehealth is also a great fit for people who can’t easily travel to get preventive care or chronic disease management. People who are immunocompromised don’t have to sit in crowded waiting rooms. Those who have mobility challenges don’t need to risk injury. 

Telehealth is a great fit for busy executives, overscheduled parents, and anyone who is looking for a fast and easy way to meet with their health practitioner. Even some acute care needs can be met through remote visits. 

How should I prepare for my telehealth visit?

Taking some time to prepare for your telehealth appointment can help you make the most of your time. Begin by considering where to set up your device. Find a place that is out of the way of traffic and as quiet as possible. Be close enough to a power outlet that charging is not a problem. 

You should also think about the lighting in your chosen area. Your practitioner must see you clearly to visually assess your condition. Look for a spot near a window or move a lamp if needed. 

As with an office visit, you might also consider creating a written list of questions or concerns, so you don’t forget anything important during your appointment. 

When you’re ready to book, call the office to set up a telehealth visit, or schedule online in just a few clicks.